Ashvegi Churna 100gm


Gir Ashvegi Churna is a special combination of Ashwagandha and Vidara, potentiated with Gir Ahinsak Gau Ghee using a proprietary process consistent with the highest traditions of Gau Adharit Ayurveda. Gir Ashvajantri Churna is a powerful supplement that exploits the synergies inherent in Vedic Gopalan and Ayurveda. Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person
Ingredients :

Ashwagandha, Vidhara, Gir Aninsak Gau Ghee.

The benefits of this churna, consistent with ancient Ayurvedic texts can be described as – Rasayan (Rejuvenative), Bruhana (Nutritive). Balya (improves strength), Vrushya or Vajikaran (improves sexual function), Garbhavruddhikar (facilitates the growth of fetus), Sothahar (anti-inflammatory), vata-kapha shamak (balances vata & kapha dosha), Aamvatanashak (eliminates toxic blockage).
Ingredients :

Ashwagandha, Vidhara, Gir Aninsak Gau Ghee
This supplement is also beneficial to kids and the elderly suffering from weakness, and helpful in paralysis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Indications :

General weakness, infertility, low immunity, etc.

Benefits : • Immunity Booster • Improves Vitality • Helps Improves Body Composition • Helpful in Paralysis & Rheumatoid Arthritis


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