Phalamruta capsule (60 capsule)


Antioxidant Therapy

• Phalamruta Capsule is a specially designed formula with a synergistic combination of Triphala, known as the Mother of all Medicines, and Gaumutra.
• This combination of Gaumutra and Triphala helps to calm all 3 doshas, and is useful in numerous diseases.
• This capsule supports normal detoxification of the bowels and aids normal bowel movements. It helps to relieve long-standing constipation without causing dependence.
• The active constituents derived from three fruits exert strong antioxidant effects and promote bowel wellness.
• As per Ayurveda, prevention is better than cure, and Phalamruta capsule can be taken as Rasayana (rejuvenative tonic) & as a preventive for many diseases.

Benefits:- • Improves digestion and elimination. • Rich in anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties. • Tridosha Shamak - balances all 3 doshas. • Helps to improve vision and skin health. • Improves brain functioning. • Boosts overall metabolism and immunity.


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