Pranada Churna 100gm


Gir Gau Prana Da is a magical combination of Haritaki, potentiated with Gir Ahinsak Gau Ghee using a proprietary process consistent with the highest traditions of Gau Adharit Ayurveda.

Benefits :

Improves digestive absorption of essential vitamins & minerals. Helps detoxify blood and gastro-intestinal tract, diminishes risks of chronic digestive issues such as ulcer.

Ayurvedic texts describe Haritaki as Varnya (improves complexion), Doshaghna (detoxifying), Rasayan (rejuvenative), Deepan (boosts digestion), Ayushya (increases life span), Balaprad (increases strength), Buddhiprad (increases intelligence), Smritiprad (improves memory), Lekhaneey (reduces excess fat), Chakshushya (good for eyes) and Tridosha Shamak (balances all three doshas). Haritaki improves body heat and is drying in nature. Haritaki is described as a medicine that eliminates all diseases.

In Ayurveda, Haritaki is used to treat a wide range of diseases such as respiratory disorders, diabetes, inflammation, piles, acute constipation, liver & spleen disorders, high fever, cardiac disorders, skin conditions, jaundice and urinary problems.

Ingredients :

Gir Gau Vishesh Shwet Ghrit, Haritaki.

Benefits : • Helps Improve Digestion System • Helps Reduce Rejuvenation • Helps Improve Body Wellness


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